Monday, March 15, 2010

Dealing with sexism is not new to me.

In my previous career, I started out as a lowly clerk. It was the early 90s. The title insurance industry was as male-dominated as the rest of corporate Amerca. Although most of the work was performed by women, the underwriting was spearheaded by men. As I began my rise through the ranks, I consistently found myself face to face with a male superior.  It was always a man standing in the way of my ascent into management. And it was ultimately a man who gave me the opportunity to own and operate my own company.  Like many women before me, I had learned to navigate the 'boys club'. I could speak their language.  I had earned their respect.

The construction trades offer a different challenge.  This is still very much a man's world - dirty, sweaty, and foul-mouthed.  Men of all ages and sizes engage in ritualistic displays of strength and skill, unfettered by societal rules and manners.  Here education takes a back seat to brute strength.  Here a man can stratch his balls, spit, and belch with impunity. The epitome of the He Man Woman Haters Club. Women are not welcomed.  Any female would have a hard time assimilating into this alien world.

Me? I am a Diva. I dream of the day my toolbelt matches my hardhat.  I search the internet for attractive work clothes.  I am constantly on the lookout for makeup that can withstand the rigors of dirt and sweat without running or smearing.  It would seem I am out of my element.  That's where the Roughneck comes in.  I curse like a sailor.  There is no life without football (GO STEELERS!!!). I may not drink much anymore, but trust me when I say I remember how.  I take great pleasure in going against society's ideas of what a woman should be.  But at the end of the day, I am still a woman.

Sexism and construction go hand in hand.  A thick skin, and a great sense of humor, is definitely going to be needed to navigate through the testosterone zone.  I expect to be lied to, conjoled, patronized, pooh poohed, riduculed and sneered at.  But as the saying goes, if you can't take the heat stay out of the kitchen.  In the end, it will be my own determination and fortitude that decides whether or not I can be ran off.

I'd put my money on the Diva.  It ain't over til she sings anyway.

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